Selasa, 03 Januari 2012

Pembelajaran Matematika Berbantuan Kalkulator : Studi Kasus Penggunaan Kalkulator Texas Instrument TI 89 pada PBM Matematika di SMK MUHAMMADIYAH IV YOGYAKARTA

By : Rizki Yudhi Pratiwi

In developed countries, the role of y6ang calculator is important in the process of learning math. This type of Calculator experience rapid growth. Types consist of two kinds, namely ordinary scientific calculator and a calculator. One example is the calculator graphic scientific calculator that can solve math problems quickly and display it in the form of graphs, and can also be used to create a program that can solve a math problem.
From research conducted on PBM Math class I SMK Muhammaditah IV, can be inferred that the utilization of the calculator as a tool in the study can be done in four phases, namely :
1.       The stage of understanding of the significance of the graphic calculator.
2.       Stages of understanding the theory and use of calculators in graph equations solve problems and inequality.
3.       Stage of entering data into the calculator graphic problem.
4.       The interpretation of the display screen calculator chart and draw conclusions.
From penelotian there are also several aspects of the utilization graph Calculator in mathematics learning, namely :
1.       Chart Calculators aimed at determining and match image graphics.
2.       Chart Calculators useful for determining and match answers the set resolution.
3.       Calculator charts to give you real experience about the graphic image.
4.       The settlement of the question of equality and inequality can use the command, the manipulation of symbolic and graphing.
5.       Chart Calculators useful to give an answer that was previously calculated without a calculator and speed up the completion of a math problem.
6.       Constraints experienced by students in using the calculator graphic is a membahasakan in mathematical expressions into the calculator and reveal any screen display calculators into mathematical expressions.
7.       The graph Calculator in the teaching of mathematics, mathematics became more attractive and easier solution to math problems.
8.       If the use of graph without offset calculator the ability to understand the operating procedures and mathematical thinking it can lead to a high level of dependence, loss of self-confidence, and lazy thought.

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