Selasa, 03 Januari 2012

Mengembangkan Nilai-Nilai Filosofis matematika dalam Pembelajaran Matematika Menuju Era Global

By : Rizki Yudhi Pratiwi

The development of mathematics education can be conducted on two level, i.e. in macro and micro. In the macro means the development of mathematics should be able to renew and develop their vision of education as well as scrape out paradigm constraints for education by maintaining and improving the quality and profesionalisma and community empowerment towards new, namely Indonesia Indonesia open, democratic and unified. For a teacher, educational development at the macro level for some of the stuff is outside the range of thought and the capability. However, given the guru is what determines the success of education, the teacher can cast the object and subject of the development of education by improving the ability of the educating and managing class.
The value of mathematics can be seen from the context of ontologism, epistemological and axiological, within the limits of extrinsic and intrinsic value, systemic. For math, then student the value of the lowest math is if used only for yourself, a higher value is if the math can be used for the public interest. But, in fact the highest mathematical score is a mathematical value is systemic can be used for the wider interests. But the mathematical values developed should be coupled with critical thinking, because math is not another critical thinking itself.
In the field of education, teachers need to continuously evaluate the lack or excess to teach in order to obtain information for improvement to teach, if need to learn new techniques that are more interesting and effective. To that end, teachers need to get a boost from the parties concerned especially the principal and School owners, so that they can bring about a good teaching. A teacher can reflect the style of teaching is good and flexible if teachers were mastered how to organise the class, make use of learning resources, the achievement of the purpose of teaching the student accordingly, development capability evaluation system, handling individual differences, and embody a particular style as required.

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