Di tulis Oleh : Dr. Marsigit M.A.
Concluding Remark
By : Rizki Yudhi Pratiwi
So that mathematics can be taught with a more interesting then in the administration of mathematics learning should be through ome stage, ie the preparation stage, the stage of learning, and evaluation stages.
The preparation stage involves planning the teaching of mathematics learning environments such as determining the source of teaching, planning activities that are flexible, plan the physical environment, involving students in creating a learning environment, students develop social environment, to plan activities for cooperation, encourage students to respect each other, and develop mathematical models . The next stage of preparation for teaching mathematics is to plan activities such as a balanced plan mathematical activities, open, according to students' abilities, develop mathematical topics, build mental math, using a variety of teaching resources, and willing to help students anytime.
The next stage of learning which include developing the role of teacher and set the time to whom and when to do the activity of metematika with / not with students. Developing the role of teacher can be done by encouraging and developing students' understanding, provide opportunities for every student to demonstrate ability metematika activities, let students make mistakes, and encourage students responsible for learning. Set the time to whom and when doing math with / not with the students for example by developing the student experience, allocate time, set the feedback, adjust the involvement of teachers to students, and observe the students' activities.
The last stage is the stage of evaluation. In the evaluation phase, the teacher should observe activities such as what students mastered / not mastered and what activities will be done next, evaluate yourself, assess processes, skills, facts and results, and menlai results and monitor the progress of such students, identifying students' concepts,encourage students to assess themselves, create and use records of student progress, observe what the students, identify the support needed, as well as assessing aspects of the curriculum.
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