Senin, 26 Desember 2011

Gerakan Reformasi Nilai Luhur Matematika Standar Internasional Makalah Seminar Jurdik Matematika

Paper By Dr. Marsigit,MA
Concluding Remark By Rizki Yudhi Pratiwi (10305144020)

National educational reform can be done at two levels, namely macro and micro. At the macro means national educational reform should be able to renew the vision and develop the educational paradigm.
Math scores can be viewed from a variety of contexts. The lowest math scores are only used if for yourself. The highest math scores is if it can be used for public interest. It can be used also in the disclosure of the noble values of the nation. The noble value of the nation can be achieved lofty values returned by the method of translating and translatable from the context of the journey past, present and future.
That education does not just look at students as subjects 'investment' building but as subjects to be 'developed', we need a' political will 'of the government to put education back to nature 'educate subject' and nature 'science '.

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