By : Rizki Yudhi Pratiwi
The INDONESIAN CITIZEN becomes the victim of the earthquake and tsunami in Japan consists of 41 people who will be split into 5 groups of refugees, i.e. 20 people in Sanjo Junior High School, 7 people in Sendai Mosque, 8 people in Kunimi Elementary School, 4 people in Tatemachi Elementary School, and 2 people in Kimachi Elementary School. How many ways to form such groups?
Answer :
Sanjo Junior High School =C_20^41=41!/20!(41-20)!=41!/20!21!=269128937220 ways
Sendai Mosque =C_7^41=41!/7!(41-7)!=41!/7!34!=22481940 ways
Kunimi Elementary School =C_8^41=41!/8!(41-8)!=41!/8!33!=95548245 ways
Tatemachi Elementary School =C_4^41=41!/4!(41-4)!=41!/4!37!=202540 ways
Kimachi Elementary School =C_2^41=41!/2!(41-2)!=41!/2!39!=820 ways
Sabtu, 31 Desember 2011
Senin, 26 Desember 2011
Oleh :
Dr. Marsigit M.A.
Concluding Remark
By : Rizki Yudhi Pratiwi
Realistic mathematical emphasis on construction of concrete objects context as a starting point for students to obtain mathematical concepts. Concrete objects and environment about objects can be used as the context of learning mathematics in building linkages mathematics through social interaction. Leader Enda concrete objects manipulated by students within the framework of supporting business students in the process of matematisasi concrete to the abstract. Students need to be given the opportunity to be able to mengkontruksi and produced by mathematics and language of their own reflection activities required against. social activities so that it can happen the Scouting and strengthening the relationships between the subject of the structure of mathematical understanding.
By carrying out observation and analysis on the video tape recorder (VTR) about learning mathematics, where it has been recorded a teacher who has been carrying out learning mathematics with the realistic approach, the teacher can test it and find other alternative development for acquired the concept or idea on concrete objects and environment about objects can be used as the context of learning mathematics in building linkages mathematics through social interaction.
A mathematical model of learning which is already recorded in the VTR has advantages and disadvantages. Advantages/benefits derived from use of the VTR, for example, teachers have the opportunity to test the concrete objects and environment about objects can be used as the context of learning mathematics in building linkages mathematics through social interaction, digging and reflect on the concepts of mathematical learning, exchanging experience with realistic other teachers about the development of mathematical learning, reflecting on the preparation process and realistic belajara teaching mathematics at JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL in accordance with the principles of PMRI, reflect on the development of learning resource for the process of teaching and learning of mathematics in junior high in accordance with the principles, as well as the opportunity for PMRI reflect the development activities of the assessment for the process of teaching and learning of mathematics in junior high in accordance with the principles of PMRI. VTR also has disadvantages, such as the limited point of view, not all aspects are able to be captured, the image quality, image capture moments, etc.
Dr. Marsigit M.A.
Concluding Remark
By : Rizki Yudhi Pratiwi
Realistic mathematical emphasis on construction of concrete objects context as a starting point for students to obtain mathematical concepts. Concrete objects and environment about objects can be used as the context of learning mathematics in building linkages mathematics through social interaction. Leader Enda concrete objects manipulated by students within the framework of supporting business students in the process of matematisasi concrete to the abstract. Students need to be given the opportunity to be able to mengkontruksi and produced by mathematics and language of their own reflection activities required against. social activities so that it can happen the Scouting and strengthening the relationships between the subject of the structure of mathematical understanding.
By carrying out observation and analysis on the video tape recorder (VTR) about learning mathematics, where it has been recorded a teacher who has been carrying out learning mathematics with the realistic approach, the teacher can test it and find other alternative development for acquired the concept or idea on concrete objects and environment about objects can be used as the context of learning mathematics in building linkages mathematics through social interaction.
A mathematical model of learning which is already recorded in the VTR has advantages and disadvantages. Advantages/benefits derived from use of the VTR, for example, teachers have the opportunity to test the concrete objects and environment about objects can be used as the context of learning mathematics in building linkages mathematics through social interaction, digging and reflect on the concepts of mathematical learning, exchanging experience with realistic other teachers about the development of mathematical learning, reflecting on the preparation process and realistic belajara teaching mathematics at JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL in accordance with the principles of PMRI, reflect on the development of learning resource for the process of teaching and learning of mathematics in junior high in accordance with the principles, as well as the opportunity for PMRI reflect the development activities of the assessment for the process of teaching and learning of mathematics in junior high in accordance with the principles of PMRI. VTR also has disadvantages, such as the limited point of view, not all aspects are able to be captured, the image quality, image capture moments, etc.
Oleh :
Dr. Marsigit M.A.
Concluding Remark
By : Rizki Yudhi Pratiwi
A decimal number can be expressed in the form of fractions, and vice versa fractions can be expressed in decimal form. Fractions can be simplified into its simplest form by way of dividing the numerator and the denominator by the same number. If the value of a decimal number more than 1 then the decimal can be expressed in the form of fractions, i.e. mixed fractions. Percent menpunyai% u2018perseratus% u2019 meaning. So can a comparison written 25/100 as 25%, 65/100 as 65%, etc. Decimal can be classified into a number of recurring decimal and decimal are repetitive. A decimal is said to be repeated if the decimal number that includes a decimal digits which repeat on an ongoing basis.
Dr. Marsigit M.A.
Concluding Remark
By : Rizki Yudhi Pratiwi
A decimal number can be expressed in the form of fractions, and vice versa fractions can be expressed in decimal form. Fractions can be simplified into its simplest form by way of dividing the numerator and the denominator by the same number. If the value of a decimal number more than 1 then the decimal can be expressed in the form of fractions, i.e. mixed fractions. Percent menpunyai% u2018perseratus% u2019 meaning. So can a comparison written 25/100 as 25%, 65/100 as 65%, etc. Decimal can be classified into a number of recurring decimal and decimal are repetitive. A decimal is said to be repeated if the decimal number that includes a decimal digits which repeat on an ongoing basis.
Di tulis Oleh : Dr. Marsigit M.A.
Concluding Remark
By : Rizki Yudhi Pratiwi
Use of Microsoft Word 2007 software can be done easily because the software iscontained in almost all new generation computers. Skills to make wake-up the foundations of geometry using Microsoft Word 2007 facilities can be developed to make the wake-upmore complex geometries, such as wake-up 3-dimensional geometry. Use of MicrosoftWord 2007 will also facilitate students in learning geometry. For example, can addmotovasi and pleasure in studying geometry, geometry can be studied independently or co-operation, may conduct an investigation or inquiry-konseo concept of geometry, canperform activities of problem solving or solving mathematical problems, and cancommunicate the results both to teachers and friends who other.
Concluding Remark
By : Rizki Yudhi Pratiwi
Use of Microsoft Word 2007 software can be done easily because the software iscontained in almost all new generation computers. Skills to make wake-up the foundations of geometry using Microsoft Word 2007 facilities can be developed to make the wake-upmore complex geometries, such as wake-up 3-dimensional geometry. Use of MicrosoftWord 2007 will also facilitate students in learning geometry. For example, can addmotovasi and pleasure in studying geometry, geometry can be studied independently or co-operation, may conduct an investigation or inquiry-konseo concept of geometry, canperform activities of problem solving or solving mathematical problems, and cancommunicate the results both to teachers and friends who other.
Di tulis Oleh : Dr. Marsigit M.A.
Concluding Remark
By : Rizki Yudhi Pratiwi
So that mathematics can be taught with a more interesting then in the administration of mathematics learning should be through ome stage, ie the preparation stage, the stage of learning, and evaluation stages.
The preparation stage involves planning the teaching of mathematics learning environments such as determining the source of teaching, planning activities that are flexible, plan the physical environment, involving students in creating a learning environment, students develop social environment, to plan activities for cooperation, encourage students to respect each other, and develop mathematical models . The next stage of preparation for teaching mathematics is to plan activities such as a balanced plan mathematical activities, open, according to students' abilities, develop mathematical topics, build mental math, using a variety of teaching resources, and willing to help students anytime.
The next stage of learning which include developing the role of teacher and set the time to whom and when to do the activity of metematika with / not with students. Developing the role of teacher can be done by encouraging and developing students' understanding, provide opportunities for every student to demonstrate ability metematika activities, let students make mistakes, and encourage students responsible for learning. Set the time to whom and when doing math with / not with the students for example by developing the student experience, allocate time, set the feedback, adjust the involvement of teachers to students, and observe the students' activities.
The last stage is the stage of evaluation. In the evaluation phase, the teacher should observe activities such as what students mastered / not mastered and what activities will be done next, evaluate yourself, assess processes, skills, facts and results, and menlai results and monitor the progress of such students, identifying students' concepts,encourage students to assess themselves, create and use records of student progress, observe what the students, identify the support needed, as well as assessing aspects of the curriculum.
Concluding Remark
By : Rizki Yudhi Pratiwi
So that mathematics can be taught with a more interesting then in the administration of mathematics learning should be through ome stage, ie the preparation stage, the stage of learning, and evaluation stages.
The preparation stage involves planning the teaching of mathematics learning environments such as determining the source of teaching, planning activities that are flexible, plan the physical environment, involving students in creating a learning environment, students develop social environment, to plan activities for cooperation, encourage students to respect each other, and develop mathematical models . The next stage of preparation for teaching mathematics is to plan activities such as a balanced plan mathematical activities, open, according to students' abilities, develop mathematical topics, build mental math, using a variety of teaching resources, and willing to help students anytime.
The next stage of learning which include developing the role of teacher and set the time to whom and when to do the activity of metematika with / not with students. Developing the role of teacher can be done by encouraging and developing students' understanding, provide opportunities for every student to demonstrate ability metematika activities, let students make mistakes, and encourage students responsible for learning. Set the time to whom and when doing math with / not with the students for example by developing the student experience, allocate time, set the feedback, adjust the involvement of teachers to students, and observe the students' activities.
The last stage is the stage of evaluation. In the evaluation phase, the teacher should observe activities such as what students mastered / not mastered and what activities will be done next, evaluate yourself, assess processes, skills, facts and results, and menlai results and monitor the progress of such students, identifying students' concepts,encourage students to assess themselves, create and use records of student progress, observe what the students, identify the support needed, as well as assessing aspects of the curriculum.
Di tulis Oleh : Dr. Marsigit M.A.
Concluding Remark
By : Rizki Yudhi Pratiwi
Mathematics education will become a necessity if the teachers want the renewal of mathematics education. Good mathematics education research activities by teachers lecturers and prospective teachers will provide many benefits, aside from the formal legalaspects. With the study of mathematics education, we can find an individual or group differences in learning mathematics, determining the position of students in the group, and can compare learning outcomes between groups. We can also do a survey match between objectives and learning outcomes. The results can be used for refining the program, counseling and provision of information to the public. In addition, we also can do a comparison between the performance and criteria for each dimension of the programand refining the program and the inference results of mathematics education as a whole Then, we can conduct studies on the implementation of the program, the environmental impact study, the influence of the program, curriculum or syllabus of learning outcomes and ultimately used for the improvement of mathematics education program as a whole.
Concluding Remark
By : Rizki Yudhi Pratiwi
Mathematics education will become a necessity if the teachers want the renewal of mathematics education. Good mathematics education research activities by teachers lecturers and prospective teachers will provide many benefits, aside from the formal legalaspects. With the study of mathematics education, we can find an individual or group differences in learning mathematics, determining the position of students in the group, and can compare learning outcomes between groups. We can also do a survey match between objectives and learning outcomes. The results can be used for refining the program, counseling and provision of information to the public. In addition, we also can do a comparison between the performance and criteria for each dimension of the programand refining the program and the inference results of mathematics education as a whole Then, we can conduct studies on the implementation of the program, the environmental impact study, the influence of the program, curriculum or syllabus of learning outcomes and ultimately used for the improvement of mathematics education program as a whole.
Landasan Pengembangan Desain Pembelajaran Matematika di Sekolah Lanjutan
Concluded Remark by : Rizki Yudhi Pratiwi / 10305144020 / Matematika Swadana 2010
Teach methematics is not easy. Many student who consider mathematics is a difficult subject. We also encountered a collegian is not easy in learning mathematics.
Many obtacles are encountered in teaching mathematics like, an understanding of meaning of the theory, application in everyday life, teching and learning facilities that are less supportive, etc. And what is more, teacher also had a difficulies in handle with differences in their students’ math skill as well as in developing mathematics learning technology.value targets is high and completion of the syllabus is also one of the difficulties in teching mathematics, so teacher just rely on exposition method. These factor cause the student does not like mathematics.
The nature of students studying mathematics are students will learn if given the motivation, the student learn in different ways and with different speeds. Therefore, teacher need to know the advantages and disadvantagesof their students, plan activities appropriate to student ability level, build knowledge and skills of the students, and pan and use the script of student progress.
Some ways in order that students liked math lessons, among them :
1. Teacher centered transformed into student centered.
2. Teacher are usually authoritarian in teaching changed to become more democratic.
3. Teacher who use exposition method is converted into variations method, for example with tools and aproaches on students.
4. Mathematics is usually known for abstract and rely on memory, changed the definition that mathematics is something concrete, requires an understanding and can be applied in everyday life.
5. Teaching and learning activities which very formal converted into bi informal.
Gerakan Reformasi Nilai Luhur Matematika Standar Internasional Makalah Seminar Jurdik Matematika
Paper By Dr. Marsigit,MA
Concluding Remark By Rizki Yudhi Pratiwi (10305144020)
National educational reform can be done at two levels, namely macro and micro. At the macro means national educational reform should be able to renew the vision and develop the educational paradigm.
Math scores can be viewed from a variety of contexts. The lowest math scores are only used if for yourself. The highest math scores is if it can be used for public interest. It can be used also in the disclosure of the noble values of the nation. The noble value of the nation can be achieved lofty values returned by the method of translating and translatable from the context of the journey past, present and future.
That education does not just look at students as subjects 'investment' building but as subjects to be 'developed', we need a' political will 'of the government to put education back to nature 'educate subject' and nature 'science '.
Concluding Remark By Rizki Yudhi Pratiwi (10305144020)
National educational reform can be done at two levels, namely macro and micro. At the macro means national educational reform should be able to renew the vision and develop the educational paradigm.
Math scores can be viewed from a variety of contexts. The lowest math scores are only used if for yourself. The highest math scores is if it can be used for public interest. It can be used also in the disclosure of the noble values of the nation. The noble value of the nation can be achieved lofty values returned by the method of translating and translatable from the context of the journey past, present and future.
That education does not just look at students as subjects 'investment' building but as subjects to be 'developed', we need a' political will 'of the government to put education back to nature 'educate subject' and nature 'science '.
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